Visit our Chapters Page to check if there’s a STEMsters at your high school. If you find your school listed, simply complete the application form to join! Remember to join your chapter’s Google Classroom and follow their Instagram to get important updates specific to your school!
Use the Sign Up Genius available on your chapter's Instagram or Google Classroom to volunteer for teaching a lesson at a nearby afterschool program. Be sure to attend the lunchtime training meetings hosted at your school and review the provided guides for additional information.
After teaching your lesson, please complete the STEMsters Hours Logging Form to verify your hours. Remember to upload pictures from the lesson, which might be featured on your chapter’s Instagram page. Also make sure you are signed up on SignUpGenius for the event to have your hours certified.
To check your total service hours with STEMsters, search for your name in the Volunteer Hours Tracker. These hours can be used to apply for organizations like NHS and can be added to your resume. If you need a certified document of your hours, please email