Hours & Awards

Hour Certification

How to Log and Verify Hours

After teaching your lesson, please complete the STEMsters Hours Logging Form to verify your hours. Remember to upload pictures from the lesson, which might be featured on your chapter’s Instagram page. Make sure you are signed up on SignUpGenius for the event to have your hours verified.

Viewing Your Total Service Hours

To check your total service hours with STEMsters, search for your name in the Hours Tracker Tool. These hours can be used to apply for organizations like NHS and can be added to your resume. If you need a certified document of your hours, please email stemsters123@gmail.com.

PVSA Award Application

Eligibility Requirements

- U.S. citizen or green card holder
- Volunteer hours from September 1st, 2023, to August 31st, 2024
- At least 50% of volunteer hours must be with STEMsters

Required Documents

- Your legal full name and birthdate
- A copy of your U.S. passport or Green Card
- Verified volunteer hour certification from all other PVSA organizations

Submission Deadline

- Complete the PVSA Application form by September 15, 2024
- Applications received after September 15, 2024, will incur a shipping cost.
- Email stemsters123@gmail.com if you have questions.